Wednesday, Feb 14th - Wednesday, Feb 14th
Starts: 11:00 AM | Ends: 12:00 PM
One Time Event
Join us on Zoom for a series of six virtual presentations in January & February 2024.
FEBRUARY 14: Ordnance Boundary Stones: Updates & Restoration presented by Ted Rumble
The British Army maintained a military presence in the Town of Niagara until 1865, to guard against another American invasion from Fort Niagara. Between 1823 and 1854 the British Army Royal Engineers placed 37 Ordnance Boundary Stones around the perimeter of the four military reserves in the town of Niagara. Military reserve lands included Simcoe Park, Queen’s Royal Park, the Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Course, and the Commons. Each stone was carved with the initials BO (Board of Ordnance) under the Broad Arrow symbol which identified military property of the British Government. Many of these stones can still be seen today.
Ted Rumble has done extensive research on the original Ordnance Boundary Stones which can be found throughout Town and is working with the Town of NOTL on a plan to preserve the stones. Since his first presentation on this project in 2020, Ted has uncovered more stones and restoration is set to happen to one stone in 2024. Ted will give an update to this interesting project.
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